Personal Data Protection Policy

This privacy policy describes how ArtEra collects, uses and shares Users' personal information and how it protects this information and what rights the User may have over it.

By visiting the Site, by downloading or by using the Application, the User accepts the terms of this privacy policy, which forms an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions of Use.

Personal data collected by ArtEra

ArtEra collects personal data directly from the User. The data collected may include in particular:
  • The name of the user;
  • His contact details (email address, postal address and telephone number);
  • Useful information for transactions (including bank details, delivery address, data relating to the purchase or sale made);
  • Username and password.

The use of personal data

ArtEra uses the personal data it collects for the provision of Services (including processing payment information, arranging shipping, facilitating transactions).

Furthermore, ArtEra may use this personal data to:
  • Enter into communication with the User;
  • Check the identity of the User and detect potential risks or fraud;
  • Provide information to the User.

Retention period of personal data

The personal data of the users is kept in a form allowing the identification of the user only for the longest of the durations described below:
  • The period reasonably necessary for the pursuit of the purpose of the data processing described in this data protection policy;
  • The retention period resulting from a legal obligation, relating only to data stipulated by law.
The data will then be archived and may be used in the context of a dispute, action or litigation during the applicable limitation period. In the event of legal action, the data may be kept until exhaustion of legal remedies and will then be deleted or archived within the limits permitted by law.

Your data are then destroyed or anonymised.

Right of Users for personal data

The User has a right of access, limitation, portability, deletion, modification and rectification of the information concerning him.

They also have the right to object to the processing of their personal data, as well as the right to object to this data being used for commercial prospecting purposes.

To make use of the above mentioned rights, the User can send his requests to the following address: [email protected]

Cookies policy

The User is informed that the consultation of the Application may lead to the placing of "cookies" in the computer or the mobile device of the User, likely to entail the memorisation of certain parameters and the collection of information in order to facilitate browsing on the Application.

The cookies used on the Site and the Application are strictly necessary for their proper functioning.

The User has the possibility to configure the management of cookies directly from his browser.


The Site and Application are produced by ArtEra S.A.S., a simplified joint stock company with share capital of €10,000.00, which is registered with the Paris Corporate Register under number 504 894 265 and whose registered office is located at 2 Avenue Frédéric Le Play, 75 007 PARIS, France.

The director of the publication is Mrs. Aurélie Didier, Chairman of ArtEra S.A.S.